Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Admirable! Courageous!

Teaching English to immigrant women in Calgary really helps me to appreciate life here. They come to Calgary from all parts of the world. Many of them come because their husbands have jobs here. Some come as single moms. Some come on their own. Their reason for moving to Canada – to improve their own lives and provide a better life for their families.

When I ask them why they’re here, I often see pain in their eyes. One young woman once answered, “I don’t like that question.” I fought back tears as I realized the emotional pain I’d caused.

I admire these women – many of them with young children and pregnant. Life here is not easy! The first thing they do is enrol in English classes as they adjust to a foreign land.

They’re willing to go through this difficult period in hopes of a better future! WOW! They put me to shame. I’d often thought I wanted to create a better future for myself, but was too lazy or scared to leave my ‘comfort zone’! Most of these women’s ‘comfort zones’ were more uncomfortable and more painful than leaving – more painful than changing! I can only imagine!

Think of the courage it would take to make the changes and face the challenges to create a better future.

What can I learn from them?

• That Canada is a great country

• That Canadians are friendly and helpful

• That the air here is fresh

• That this is a great country with opportunities

• No matter how negative and pessimistic some people are about this country and its government, I really cannot think of another place I’d rather live.

• That nothing is impossible

• If I want a better future, it’s up to me. I just have to go for it!

Your turn – what can you learn from people in your life who’ve had the courage to face huge risks to create a better future for themselves?

Let’s make a list of the things we’ve all learned – leave a comment, please. And read others’ comments.

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