Monday, July 19, 2010


Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott is a book I've just read.

The Value of Powerful Questions is the name of the workshop I'm delivering at a conference in Phoenix next week.

While preparing for the workshop, I came across a very powerful question in Fierce Conversations. It really made me think. It was a question I should have asked myself years ago when living in a situation that was not healthy.

The value in the question is that it will make you face things that you should not be ignoring. The answer may not be pleasant, but the answer will result in some action to improve your life in some way.

Are you curious yet?

Ask yourself this:
"What am I pretending not to know?"

Apply this question to your relationships, your work, your home, any other area in your life.

"What am I pretending not to know?"

In my next posting, I will help you to Focus on the Solution - another powerful concept!


Lana Foladare said...

Yes! That is a powerful question! Congrats on heading to Phoenix. You go girl! Lana

Christine Choate said...

As soon as I read the question, an answer was instantly in my head! Curious, though, that even with an answer we quite often don't know what to do with it or how to apply it.

Betty said...

Christine - you are so right - we often don't know what to do with answers or information. That's where Life Coaches come in! Interested in a sample coaching session? :)