Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When you dance, the whole universe dances.
- Rumi

Why me? Why you?
...because I am important! ...because you are important!

When you’re on the plane, you’re always told that in case of an emergency you are to put your own oxygen mask on before your child’s. Make sure you are in a position to be able to help your child – or someone else.

As women, we seem to have an innate sense of wanting to be there for others, help them and support them. The reality is that we cannot do that unless we first are there for ourselves and make sure we are healthy and strong in every way. (Notice I’m including myself?)

Not enough time?

As I was thinking about this topic - taking time for ourselves, I felt like a hypocrite! I have been so busy lately that I haven’t taken my own medicine! I’m reminded of last Wednesday when I went for a haircut. The salon is small and intimate. My hair stylist was not finished with her client and offered me fresh coffee. I poured myself one, sat down, picked up a magazine and looked at it while enjoying the soft music playing in the background. It felt sooooooooooo good. Wow – my emotions surprised me. This was a wee bit of ‘me time’. Probably not ideal, but a pleasant unexpected surprise.

After being pampered with a hair wash and cut and getting my brows waxed, I felt really good as I walked to my car. I felt energized and relaxed at the same time. I was no longer in a hurry to get back to my ‘list’. It felt really good!

I was planning to write a dissertation on the value of giving yourself some ‘me time’ and espouse the notions behind the theory. Instead, I want to encourage you to take five minutes (more if possible) and experiment for yourself. Do something just for you! Then become aware of how it makes you feel, the impact it has on you.

I know it’s a tall order for a five minute experiment – but go ahead – try it. Let me know how it goes!

Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.
~Keri Russell

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
~Freya Stark

Last time I talked about what is important – how did you do using the Prioritization Chart? This time, I’d like to tweak the question a bit, changing the meaning.


What is important to YOU?

In the big scheme of life, what is really important to you? At the end of your life, what do you want to be remembered for? If you’ve never thought about this question, it may take you awhile to come up with an answer.

Think about a good friend. What is it that you like about him/her? Write down three qualities about that person that are important to you. Why are those qualities important? Could it be that those are qualities that you yourself have, and you value them?

Imagine you are listening in at your funeral (a little morbid, I know, but just play along with me). Various family members and friends are giving tributes to you – what are they saying?

What traits or values describe you? Which ones do you identify with the most? Which ones do you want people to remember after they’ve been with you? Hopefully you’ll have a list of three or four values.

Now, think about your daily activities – the things you have on your ‘to do’ list. As you think about your list, determine if what’s on there lines up with your values. If you are asked to do something, or you choose to do something that doesn’t line up with your values, you might begin to feel overwhelmed.

Listen to your body. The anxiety you’re feeling has a positive intention for you. If you feel anxiety, knots, tension – whatever your experience is, your body is telling you to line up your actions with your values.

When you live according to your values, decisions about your daily activities are easier to make. If an activity or behaviour does not line up with what’s really important to you, it will be easier to move on to something that IS important. ...something that does line up with your values.

In my coaching practice I often use an exercise that helps clients discover their core value, and they take away a tool that they can use to line up their actions with their core value.

What values do you live by?

Please share things that have worked for you to stay true to your values. Let us know what your top values are. What small change can you make today to help you feel less overwhelmed and live according to your values?


It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
~Roy Disney