Sunday, November 28, 2010


Last Tuesday morning I woke up to - 29 degrees in Calgary and reports of icy roads, traffic jams, transit problems, and wind chill temperatures of -35. I got up, showered, poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down on my couch. The nicest thing about the morning was that I did not have to go out that day. I live on the 14th floor and the view from my couch is the skyline of Calgary. My condo was toasty warm, and as I sat looking out the window, I felt very peaceful. I was thankful that I didn’t have to go out into the cold. Why didn't I have to go out?  ...because I was working from home that day!
Reflecting on my life that morning, I realized that I am living my dream! I have my own business, am my own boss, can schedule my own appointments AND I do not have someone else controlling my life. It was an 'aha' moment. When you have your own business, it doesn't always feel like a dream when you’re having to put in some 20 hour days and have deadlines to meet. But times like Tuesday morning when I could take time to relax with a cup of coffee, watch the Calgary winter from my cozy living room, listen to reports of the cold temperatures and numerous car crashes, it definitely felt like a dream.

Dreams don’t come easy – they’re hard work, but they are definitely worth it!

What is YOUR dream? What choices are you making today to move you toward that dream? Please leave a comment and share your dream - and tell us one small step you're going to take to help you realize it.



Cheryl Lynn said...

My dream - is to be a published author and to be able to teach teachers and pass on my passion for education. Choices I am making include reading, blogging, research and reaching out. I have had to learn some social media skills I used to shy away from, but in learning them I see that my dream can reach a wider audience, how could I not learn, share, grow?

My next small step... learning how to get in touch with more university book stores and school principals to make them aware of my book.

Love thinking of you living your dream, dear Betty! Way to go!

Cathy Yost Anderson said...

Here's to living the dream Betty!

Although I don't have your magnificent high-rise view, I am also truly grateful that I too can stay cozy and warm on those minus 25 days; and take leisurely walks in my neighborhood on those plus 25 days also!

Here's to being our own boss and choosing the life we want!

You are a truly role model for those who want to live your dream! Congratulations Betty.

Your fan xo

Betty said...

Cheryl - thanks for sharing your dream with us. You have done a lot to move toward it. I feel so privileged to be part of your life and watching your future unfold. Way to go!

Cathy - you are an inspiration to me - being your own boss and choosing the life you want!