Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vision versus Fear

Vision trumps fear. That's what I read on a Facebook status this morning. The person who posted it was my instructor when I took coach training. She was partly responsible for helping me to understand how important it is to understand why we do something. The Bible says that without vision, people perish. I think I finally understand that.

We need to have a purpose in this life. We all know that material things do not satisfy. But many are still collecting 'things', looking for fulfillment. It just doesn't cut it.

When we have a purpose - a vision - bigger than ourselves, it takes the focus off what we want and what will make us happy and redirects it to others. A great example of this is Mother Theresa. Did she ever think of herself? Imagine her vision.

Anyone who is truly fulfilled in his/her life has a vision. When you have a vision, it's important to know why that vision is important. What value is there in following your vision? When you know that, it will keep you focused and grounded. When you have moments of doubt, remembering why you are following your vision gets you back on track.

What is YOUR vision? Sharing your vision will inspire and encourage others.


Cherbear said...

Thanks for this Betty! It is so easy to get all tangled up in the what, the when, the how and lose track of the "why". What a great reminder to consider "the good works which God prepared in advance for me to do." This helps me stay on track, keep walking into the purposes of love that I was created in and for.
blessings .....

Karen Van Riesen said...

You are so right about vision, Betty!
It calls forth so much within us and often it is so big it is frightening, so we let the giant sleep.
We can even be afraid to think about it. Jack Canfield tells a story about a 60's something woman who lifted a car off her grandson and became quite a celebrity; however, she refused to talk about it, because she said, "If I can do that, what else could I have done with my life?"
What she did was follow her lifelong dream to be a geologist and now teaches at a community college!

Unknown said...

Hi Betty, Jeff & I are still awe of the progress we've made with communicating in such a short time through our coach sessions with you. We always thought everything in life was mind-over matter, using nothing but old habits to get us through. We did get through, but always questioned our choices, never realizing it left us feeling less content for some reason. We actually feel like life-coaching is magic for lack of a better word.
Our greatest wish is that life-coaching and skills are taught in school. Our 2nd greatest wish is that you are the teacher. Betty, we just can't thank-you enough for your funny & easy-going approach packed with a comforting wisdom. Without a doubt we feel really blessed to have you in our lives.