Sunday, October 3, 2010


Why do we keep setting goals and failing to see them through to fruition?

I came across an article in Success Magazine that talked about goal setting. The above question caught my attention and I could hardly wait to see what the answer was. Brian Tracy gave the following answer:
Most people give up before they even make the first try. And the reason they give up is because of all the obstacles, difficulties, problems and roadblocks that immediately appear as soon as they decide to do something they have never done before. The fact is that successful people fail far more often than unsuccessful people. Successful people try more things, fall down, pick themselves up and try again—over and over before they finally win.

The two major obstacles to achievement are fear and self-doubt. The fear of failure, poverty, loss, embarrassment or rejection holds most people back from trying in the first place. Small fears overwhelm them and, like a bucket of water on a small fi re, extinguish their desire completely.

The second mental obstacle, closely aligned to fear, is self-doubt. We doubt our own abilities. We compare ourselves unfavorably to others and think that others are somehow better, smarter and more competent than we are. We think, I’m not good enough. We feel inadequate and inferior to the challenges of achieving the great goals that we so want to accomplish. If there is anything good about doubt and fear, it is that they are learned emotions. And whatever has been learned can be unlearned through practice and repetition.

Now that I know what the obstacles are, I can do something about them! ...but only if I choose to.

I'll continue along this theme next time. Do you have any questions you'd like addressed?

Please leave a comment about what keeps you from seeing your goals through to fruition.


Cheryl Lynn said...

Betty - I loved this! So true - those that are successful are that way because they've taken an active role in conquering fear and self-doubt. They still have it - but don't let it define them. I really appreciated this. It encouraged me to venture out. I think for me - the key is going to be keeping the dreams alive, and the desires strong enough so that they out-weigh the fears of embarrassment or failure. THANKS!

Karen said...

I like this! We have learned that lazer focus is important; also feelings of insecurity cause us to falter when when need to persevere.

Unknown said...

'Obstacles' was the word that caught my greatest attention.

That one word made me stop for a few moments of reflection, to think about my very own 'obstacles'.

This moment of reflection made me realize I probably have not been 100% honest about who I am or what I want.
I know I've been fearing the 'obstacle' and not wanting to be vulnerable to surprises, upsets and anything unforseen. Keeping a safety shield around me and protecting my world seems to be my priority.

From the recent coaching lessons with Betty, I have already learned how to be more honest in my personal life. This new-found strength had freed my spirit and I felt more content in my life than I've ever felt before. However, I've been wanting to keep that 'contentment' safe so I find myself living a life of 'limbo'.

I realize now that I need to put my new-found spirit and strength
to use.

Why....I have always had dreams and goals. Dreams keep me smiling and my heart pumping.
Some dream-turned-goals developed ever so smoothly while some had bumps & pot-holes that bottomed out my motivation for a while.

Achieving the goals had me feeling elated and even humbled by each and every experience. It boosted my self-doubt and gave me even more appreciation for so many things in life. It is a good place to be.
Yet still, this fear of the 'obstacle' is a mystery right now because I have proven to myself that I can overcome them.

So why is it that I have trouble getting back onto that road of dreams and goals? It's a road that I've successfully and unsucessfully travelled on, 'obstacles' and all?

As much as I am excited about learning the answers about 'who I am' and 'how I work'..... I am intrigued by the fact that there is more to learn about 'me' and 'my life'.

I have adopted the word 'obstacles' for the time being. I'm fascinated about the different kinds of obstacles.

I always been in 'awe' of the wonder of discovery that children
have. Almost saddened by the fact that it was a part of my life that was over. Always wondered why that aspect of life and enthusiasm had to fade.

I don't wonder anymore because with every session of life-coaching it has been like a Christmas morning with lots of personal growth gifts. I even have the same anticipation. :-)

I need to find my obstacle though....I just know it is the next step!