Tuesday, July 27, 2010


There is a subtle disempowerment in a problem – a feeling that all the doors are shut. There’s a weariness and stuckness about it. Simply asking yourself “What’s the possibility we see in this situation?” can make a big difference.

Think of a difficult situation from your past that did not end well. What did you focus on? Now think of a struggle that had a good ending. What did you focus on? What made the difference?

I would venture to suggest that in the second scenario you focused on the solution. You focused on the possibilities.

When we focus on the problem, all we can see is the problem. Our thoughts are negative; we can’t see a way out, we lose hope and give up. The result? ...no solution – only despair.

Our attitude changes when we begin to focus on the solution. We’re expecting a positive ending. We’re looking past the problem and taking steps towards resolving the issue. We feel hopeful and optimistic.

Think of a difficult situation in your life right now. Start focusing on the solution. What are the possibilities? Ask yourself: “What outcome do I want?” Think of some ways you can start moving forward to get the outcome you want. Start by taking some action steps – focus on the solution! You will get a good ending. It will be worth the extra effort you’re putting in – and you’ll feel hopeful and optimistic!

Please leave a comment and tell us the possibilities you see in your struggles – and how you are focusing on the solution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree with the power of positive thinking especially when problems occur. To focus on the problem, diminishes and clouds one's thinking ability.

Analyzing a problem is different than dwelling on it as this helps to ascertain the cause and often directs one to a good solution.

In addition, the first verse of Psalm 46 often comes to mind when a problem occurs, i.e. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble". This gives encouragement and affirmation that God is aware of our problems and wants to assist.