Tuesday, April 20, 2010


At an event I attended last week we had to ask each other what we’re passionate about! Often our passion will spring from something that’s happened in our past!
I’m passionate about helping women to develop self-confidence to achieve their goals and follow their dreams. It’s my desire to help women realize that are worthy and have a lot to offer. I want to support them when they go through difficult times in their lives. By helping women to be the best they can be, I’m also helping them to be wonderful mothers so their children do not have to experience what I did. Their children will grow up with a sense of personal self-worth. (I also have a passion for children!)

You’re probably wondering if that springs from something that happened in my past. It sure does! I grew up with a mother who had been sexually and physically abused as a child, but didn’t tell anyone about it until she was 69! Can you believe that? She lived with that ‘secret’ most of her life; she didn’t know how to cope in a healthy way, which affected the way she mothered her seven children. She was not capable of nurturing our personal self-worth.

My upbringing resulted in me feeling unloved, with little self-esteem and no confidence in myself. It has taken me years to realize that I am of value, worthy of being loved, especially by me. I couldn’t appreciate God’s love for me until I was in my 30’s! It took a long time to develop confidence that I could do something worthwhile. I didn’t live out my full potential simply because I didn’t think I could! (Who can identify with me?)

I now use my coaching skills and my love for people to live out my passion of helping others and making a difference in their lives. I absolutely love coaching my clients and watching them develop in their personal lives. It feeds my passion.

Okay – your turn. What is YOUR passion? I’d love to hear from you and so would my readers. Please leave a comment to tell about your passion.


Annette Stanwick said...

thank you for that post Betty! You asked a very good question. I am passionate about empowering you and others to make positive choices that move you beyond your fears, painful past experiences and self-limiting beliefs. In letting go of those things, it propels us into a life of freedom, peace and true happiness.

My passion also came from a painful experience. My brother Soren was tragically murdered. the pain was so deep and the grief was terrible, but I made some very important choices. I chose to be happy again because I didn't want to be consumed by the tragedy. I also made a choice to grow in spite of the hurt. Those choices were instrumental in my healing journey.

when something would trigger my pain or my anger I used the filter of my choices to help me determine if my focus at that time would make me happy or would it help me grow, or was it consuming my energy and my thoughts?

I never dreamed my journey of healing would take me to a place of publicly forgiving my brother's murderers in the courtroom. That positive choice was so life-altering it gave me a sense of freedom and peace I could not describe! I now have a passion to help others make positive choices and to let go of their painful stuff.

My passion led to writing an award-winning book: FORGIVENESS: THE MYSTERY AND MIRACLE, and that same passion fuels my fire for speaking to all types of groups-women, university students, professional association, business, churches and prison inmates.

I never dreamed my pain could turn to passion and my passion could help so many people with their pain!

Betty said...

Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I'm sure you have helped a lot of people along their journey and continue to do so.