Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's a Coaching Group???

Last week, after I invited you to become part of my Achieve Your Goals Coaching Group, people started asking me for more information.

In this coaching group, here is how you will benefit:
• Create goals to make changes
• Communicate your goal to the group
• Get ongoing support of the group to keep you on track
• Share weekly action steps and progress
• Profit from accountability partners
• Share courage, strength and hope
• Express struggles and disappointments
• Be motivated and inspired
• Become empowered
• Receive ongoing motivation
• Have me coach you individually as the need arises
• Benefit from listening to others being coached
• Be successful in achieving your goal

Hopefully this helps you to understand how you can make changes in the next three months. The thought of that excites me - how about you?
If you are interested, please email me: bettygood@shaw.ca

Monday, September 13, 2010


Do you have something you want to achieve, a deadline to meet, weight to lose, a habit to change, a change to make, a skill to improve, a project to start, a project to finish?

If so, I’d like to invite you to join a new coaching group starting next month. The group will be meeting by phone, so location is not an issue. This group is being offered at a special introductory rate.

By joining this coaching group, you can achieve more than you could ever do alone!

Tuesdays, October 19 – January 25
(excluding Christmas holidays)

7 – 8 p.m. (Mountain Time)

By phone

Maximum 5 people

Register by email or phone

bettygood@shaw.ca ~ 403-774-8697

Registration deadline Sept. 30


13 sessions ~ $300.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


How often do others think we should do something, but for whatever reason, we don’t do it? We might think it’s a good idea, but either don’t have the desire or the confidence!

Lately I’ve been thinking about people in general, and some specifically – how most people do not live up to their potential! There are so many things standing in their way! Can you imagine what this world would be like if everyone lived to their potential, followed their dreams and passions, and lived a full life? Wow – I don’t think I can even imagine what that would be like!!!

I can hardly imagine what MY life would have been like if I had done that. I have had so many dreams and wishes in my life – gone unfulfilled. And here I am, I the last half of my life, finally following my dream! ...finally having the confidence to believe in myself! Even yet, I sometimes get tired and wish I didn’t have to work so hard! Reaching your dreams is actually hard work – maybe that’s one reason more people don’t do it. hmmm...

I wonder what other reasons people have for not following their dreams or living to their potential. I had a client who told me that he has done a lot of things, but he really wanted to be ‘an expert’ at something. He felt like he never lived up to his potential. He said when things got hard, he’d quit. That sounds like me in the past too! I wonder why? Why do we quit so easily?

We actually do have many opportunities and options. Why do so many of us settle for something that is less than satisfying? Are we so content with our lives to the point that we don’t dream anymore? Maybe we’re lazy! I doubt that! Are we just not motivated? I don’t think that’s true either. When someone is following their heart or dream, they get really motivated. Motivation creates energy – so we wouldn’t be lazy.

So – what’s the reason? Is it lack of self-confidence? Is it lack of belief in oneself? I think maybe that is what it was for me. I remember a school principal I taught for who had a lot of confidence in me. Because I didn’t really believe that I was capable of what he thought I could do, I didn’t pursue his suggestions or take advantage of those opportunities. What a waste! How many wasted opportunities have we experienced?

I feel like I’ve rambled – I let you into my mind and my thoughts. Truly – what is the reason more people don’t follow their dreams, don’t live their passion? Why are people content with a mediocre lifestyle when life has so much more to offer? Why?