Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Admirable! Courageous!

Teaching English to immigrant women in Calgary really helps me to appreciate life here. They come to Calgary from all parts of the world. Many of them come because their husbands have jobs here. Some come as single moms. Some come on their own. Their reason for moving to Canada – to improve their own lives and provide a better life for their families.

When I ask them why they’re here, I often see pain in their eyes. One young woman once answered, “I don’t like that question.” I fought back tears as I realized the emotional pain I’d caused.

I admire these women – many of them with young children and pregnant. Life here is not easy! The first thing they do is enrol in English classes as they adjust to a foreign land.

They’re willing to go through this difficult period in hopes of a better future! WOW! They put me to shame. I’d often thought I wanted to create a better future for myself, but was too lazy or scared to leave my ‘comfort zone’! Most of these women’s ‘comfort zones’ were more uncomfortable and more painful than leaving – more painful than changing! I can only imagine!

Think of the courage it would take to make the changes and face the challenges to create a better future.

What can I learn from them?

• That Canada is a great country

• That Canadians are friendly and helpful

• That the air here is fresh

• That this is a great country with opportunities

• No matter how negative and pessimistic some people are about this country and its government, I really cannot think of another place I’d rather live.

• That nothing is impossible

• If I want a better future, it’s up to me. I just have to go for it!

Your turn – what can you learn from people in your life who’ve had the courage to face huge risks to create a better future for themselves?

Let’s make a list of the things we’ve all learned – leave a comment, please. And read others’ comments.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


What a great word – tenacity!

A looooong time ago, a principal I worked for (I used to teach school) told me that he liked my tenacity. At that time, I hadn’t heard the word and had no idea what it meant. I smiled, thanked him, and found a dictionary.

Tenacity – the quality of being tenacious. Tenacious: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.

Having tenacity means having persistence and determination.

Why is tenacity a good thing? It keeps you going when the going gets tough! I prefer to think of it as ‘stick-to-itiveness’.

Last week I heard a speaker talking about tenacity. Donna Dahl told the story about Hurry Hare and Tenacity Turtle. We’ve all heard the story. She was speaking to women business owners. What I appreciated about her perspective was that we don’t have to be winners. We just have to finish. We don’t have to be in a hurry – we simply have to keep moving forward.

I recently read that people don’t fail, they just give up trying. Tenacity Turtle did not give up trying. He kept on going.

This seems like a simple concept – and it is. But for most of us, it is easy to give up. Just ask me – I’ve done it many times! Even though I’m a tenacious person, I’ve given up too often.

As most of you know, I returned to school two years ago, took coach training, and started my own Life Coach business. It’s been part-time, one little step at a time. After hearing Donna Dahl talk about tenacity last week, I am more determined than ever to keep on going and get my business to the level I want it to be. In the past, I would have given up by now, because giving up is easy.

Robert Schuller says “Almost anything can be accomplished by the person who really wants to succeed.”

So – here I am – a person with tenacity who really wants to succeed. This time, I don’t want to give up trying. I am not going to give up on my dream. I’m going to be tenacious!

How about you – do you have a dream or an idea? Have you given up trying? You haven’t failed! You can do it. You just have to be persistent and determined. You have to be tenacious! It’s hard – but not impossible. I’ll even help you – that is what Life Coaches do. We follow our dreams and want to help others follow their dreams! Go for it – you can do it – follow your dream. Have tenacity!

Please leave a comment – share your dream and how you are going to be tenacious. Once you get it out there, you’ll be even more determined.